2004-11-30 23:56:26 UTC
That old cane walking bastard is no war hero and has no Purple heart.
What he posted here is a betrayal to the real war heroes in Vietnam.
Their names are written on the wall. Rich Greene you should be ashamed
of your self for pissing on their graves. You are nothing but a Jane
Fonda anti American clone. What a liar you are! You have been exposed!
Infantryman my ass ! You were a cook and then became a Personnel NCO
because you could not follow instructions. I challenege everyone to read
the message that Rich Greene, AKA old Sarge wrote, and you will see
first hand why the old timers have shunned him for good. No one wants to
be associated with someone who goes around seeking uneanned glory at the
expense of dead Vietnam Veterans, their widows and their families.
What he posted here is a betrayal to the real war heroes in Vietnam.
Their names are written on the wall. Rich Greene you should be ashamed
of your self for pissing on their graves. You are nothing but a Jane
Fonda anti American clone. What a liar you are! You have been exposed!
Infantryman my ass ! You were a cook and then became a Personnel NCO
because you could not follow instructions. I challenege everyone to read
the message that Rich Greene, AKA old Sarge wrote, and you will see
first hand why the old timers have shunned him for good. No one wants to
be associated with someone who goes around seeking uneanned glory at the
expense of dead Vietnam Veterans, their widows and their families.
Subject: Clinton on V'nam War Protestors
View: Complete Thread (8 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.desqview
Date: 1995/04/17
daddy was a big shot and wasn't to be placed in harms way.
I've always wondered how many Nam vets work for Microsoft. I've been
told there are a few, but that is kinda hard to believe since
Microsoft recruits from Universities directly. If there are Nam vets
at Microsoft, they are probably in security or some maintenance field.
I applied there twice and never even got a reply, and I was qualified
for the job.
BTW, someone asked what did I do in Nam. I don't see any real reason
to have to answer that since it really doesn't matter what one did
over there, but I'll let you know. My first six years in the Army I
was a cook. I screwed up in Germany and received a General Courts
Martial. Was sent to Leavenworth for nine months - registration
number 41909 for verification - was released back to duty in Sep 66
and reclassified as Light Weapons Infantryman 11B10 as a Private E-2 -
was a SP4 E4. When I went to Nam in 67 I was assigned to MACV
Advisory Team 60 at Sadec and pulled security detail for the compound
as I didn't have enough experience to be an advisor. The 9th ARVN
Division was at Sadec. We pulled patrols around the perimeter. No
significant action until Tet 68 when all hell broke loose. I would
rather not get into that since it's a time I would rather forget. I
caught shrapnel from a mortar and was med-evaced to Clark and then to
Presidio of San Franciso (Letterman).
Was reclassified to a Personnel specialtiy as I could no longer
function in the Infantry due to wounds. The remainder of my careerr
was as a Personnel Sergeant and even pulled another Nam tour as an
Advisory Team Admin NCO with MACV Advisory Teams 96, 66, and 72 in the
I met a lot of nice Vietnamese people on my second tour and hope to
run into some of them if I ever go back. Both tours were in the
Delta. Passed through Cam Rahn Bay twice while screwing around.
I'm not a bleeding heart type of person, but a person that feels
wounds of that fiasco should be healed and not carried around as
something to continually bitch about. The WWII and Korea Vets healed
pretty quickly. The Nam Vets have a reputation of being real sour and
rightfully so, but life is too damn short to try and fight an enemy
that isn't there or is so big it cannot be defeated. I don't go
around ranting about being a hero, a grunt, "doggie",
I have a new life and that must take precedence.
Cheers and get that Salem beer cold as I may be passing thru someday
right down I-5, or who knows, maybe just a weekender to meet you
Subject: Clinton on V'nam War Protestors
View: Complete Thread (8 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.desqview
Date: 1995/04/17
Like the basters in D.C. no balls , let some other family send their son
to war...
Yeah, like those old "watch lists" they had in Nam where someone'sto war...
daddy was a big shot and wasn't to be placed in harms way.
I've always wondered how many Nam vets work for Microsoft. I've been
told there are a few, but that is kinda hard to believe since
Microsoft recruits from Universities directly. If there are Nam vets
at Microsoft, they are probably in security or some maintenance field.
I applied there twice and never even got a reply, and I was qualified
for the job.
BTW, someone asked what did I do in Nam. I don't see any real reason
to have to answer that since it really doesn't matter what one did
over there, but I'll let you know. My first six years in the Army I
was a cook. I screwed up in Germany and received a General Courts
Martial. Was sent to Leavenworth for nine months - registration
number 41909 for verification - was released back to duty in Sep 66
and reclassified as Light Weapons Infantryman 11B10 as a Private E-2 -
was a SP4 E4. When I went to Nam in 67 I was assigned to MACV
Advisory Team 60 at Sadec and pulled security detail for the compound
as I didn't have enough experience to be an advisor. The 9th ARVN
Division was at Sadec. We pulled patrols around the perimeter. No
significant action until Tet 68 when all hell broke loose. I would
rather not get into that since it's a time I would rather forget. I
caught shrapnel from a mortar and was med-evaced to Clark and then to
Presidio of San Franciso (Letterman).
Was reclassified to a Personnel specialtiy as I could no longer
function in the Infantry due to wounds. The remainder of my careerr
was as a Personnel Sergeant and even pulled another Nam tour as an
Advisory Team Admin NCO with MACV Advisory Teams 96, 66, and 72 in the
I met a lot of nice Vietnamese people on my second tour and hope to
run into some of them if I ever go back. Both tours were in the
Delta. Passed through Cam Rahn Bay twice while screwing around.
I'm not a bleeding heart type of person, but a person that feels
wounds of that fiasco should be healed and not carried around as
something to continually bitch about. The WWII and Korea Vets healed
pretty quickly. The Nam Vets have a reputation of being real sour and
rightfully so, but life is too damn short to try and fight an enemy
that isn't there or is so big it cannot be defeated. I don't go
around ranting about being a hero, a grunt, "doggie",
I have a new life and that must take precedence.
Cheers and get that Salem beer cold as I may be passing thru someday
right down I-5, or who knows, maybe just a weekender to meet you